10 activities for baby this Christmas

10 activities for baby this Christmas

When you’re new to having a baby around during Christmas it can be hard figuring out what activities suit the family. Almost everything changes with a new baby in the house.

You want the holiday to be relaxing, but at the same time entertaining for both baby and you. It’s especially important to catch those first Christmas moments in the baby’s life and for the environment to be safe and the atmosphere comfortable for the child.

Here are 10 ideas for your family to go through, if you need inspiration for your Christmas activities.

1. Decorate your home

It does not have to be much. Your baby will love to look at the decorations and lights. Just be sure that the decorations are out of reach and baby safe. 

2. Your baby’s first Christmas ornament 

Give your baby its own special ornament to put on the Christmas tree. It is a tradition to give children an ornament each Christmas and when they get married they get all of them. Then they will have something for decoration in their own home.

3. Christmas photo shoot

Baby Christmas photo shoots can be so cute. It’s a great idea to pick a theme or setting that you can repeat each year. Check out these 10 ideas from fellow moms and tricks on how to take beautiful baby Christmas pictures with just your phone.

4. Read Christmas stories

I have a book with a collection of short Christmas stories and it has become a tradition to read one story every night. I read that same book for my children every Christmas. I started when my oldest was two and he is now twelve and still loves it. 

5. Watch Christmas movies together

There are a lot of wonderful Christmas movies for children of all ages. If you baby is very small, and still sleeping all day, you should enjoy cuddling up in bed and watch movies while they nap.

6. The gift of giving

You may want to teach your children about the joy of giving by volunteering on Christmas. You can start early and visit family and friends you know who might be lonely or needs support during the holidays. A visit from you and your adorable little one can brighten up their day. 

7. Cute crafts 

Even if your baby can not yet use scissors and glue you can still enjoy making crafts together. Make presents or Christmas ornament with your baby’s hand and footprints. Here you can see examples of 20 homemade ornaments for baby´s first Christmas. 

8. Take walks in the nature

It is wonderful to get away from it all and take walks in nature with friends and family.  It can be both relaxing and energizing at the same time. If you are lucky enough to have snow you can take your baby on a sleigh ride. 

9. Take a ride 

If you have a child that enjoys being in the car, you can take a ride around town and look at all the beautiful Christmas decorations.

10. Use the best baby sleep aid

Remember to keep the Lulla doll close to help your baby sleep better and longer and bring added holiday comfort & joy <3 

Best wishes for a cozy and relaxed holiday season XXX
Eyrún, creator of Lulla doll

Lulla doll is the best baby sleep aid

Lulla doll has helped thousands of children

✔️Falling asleep
✔️Staying asleep
✔️Sleeping in their own bed
✔️ Comfort on the go

and so much more…

The Lulla doll is a multi-awarded baby sleep aid suitable from birth and beyond. It imitates closeness with its soft feel and soothing sounds of real-life breathing and heartbeat. Lulla's unique design is based on scientific research that shows how closeness improves sleep and wellbeing.

Gentle and soothing solution based on mother nature. Integrate Lulla doll into your baby’s sleep routine and use it for comfort on the go. For babies under a year old, place the Lulla doll outside of the sleep area. The natural sounds will soothe your baby and bring the comforting feeling of co-sleeping. Older children love to cuddle and bond with Lulla. Iit has helped thousands with sleep related challenges and to reduce anxiety and give comfort.

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